Who We Serve

We serve members of the community ages 2-18+ who have special social, emotional and physical needs.

Who We Serve

Our clients inspire us every day.

Two Bear Therapeutic Riding Center offers pediatric physical therapy and adaptive horsemanship lessons along with summer camp sessions. We serve participants from the ages of 2 years old to 18+ with cognitive, physical, social and emotional needs. Our goal is to adapt the environment to best facilitate an individual's growth in both self confidence and physical ability.

Common diagnoses include, (but are not limited to): Autism, ADD/ADHD, ODD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Ambulatory/orthopedic challenges, Spina Bifida, Depression, Anxiety, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Visual Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injuries, issues with High or Low Muscle Tone, Fine/Gross Motor Skills and Cognitive Delay.

To learn more, visit our services pages—adaptive horsemanship, pediatric physical therapy, Ranch Experience or summer camps—or check out our FAQs. As always, please contact us should you have any questions.

Want to sponsor a rider?

By sponsoring a rider (any general rider in need or a specific individual), you will help keep them in the saddle. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to provide free or discounted services to all riders and the hourly costs associated with each rider must be covered for us to continue to provide services. Any funds that you can donate to help our riders allows us to continue providing them the therapy or riding services they need—either at no cost or at a reduced and affordable rate. A family's cost per lesson is $35 ($210 for 6-week term); the actual cost per lesson is $165 ($990/6-week term).

Sponsorships DONATE TODAY


We couldn't do what we do without our amazing group of volunteers. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities and look forward to having you join our team!


Broadening our impact and reaching individuals in need.

Individuals impacted


*July 2023-June 2024

Lessons given


*July 2023-June 2024



*July 2023-June 2024

Service hours


*July 2023-June 2024